Alabama Long Term Care Insurance |
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rated Alabama long term care insurance rates companies.
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by checking the insurance ratings with Standard and Poors or Moody's online.
We will also give you the insurance company ratings when you request
for Alabama long term care insurance quotes.
The Alabama Insurance Department is a useful resource to check
consumer complaint ratios against specific Alabama long term care
insurance companies and for tips on buying long term care insurance
in Alabama.
Consumer may also conduct searches for licensed insurance companies,
agent licenses, read consumer guides to long term care insurance,
read consumer alerts, and find directions to filing a complaint
against an insurance company.
Commission on Aging
770 Washington Avenue, Suite 470
PO Box 301851
Montgomery, AL 36130
(800) 243-5463; (334) 242-5743
The Alabama department of aging provides education,
programs and services for Alabama seniors and their families. Information
provided includes federal and state programs, senior & caregiver
resources, and long term care information. Senior resources and programs
include: Health Insurance Assistance, Medicaid Waiver, Senior Center
locations, nutrition and meal services, Senior legal assistance, Senior
employment programs, Alabama Long Term Care Ombudsman program, adult
protective services, Senior community programs, family caregiver support,
Senior prescription drug assistance, and more.